The Demographic Profile of The Population in Small, Medium and Large-Sized Cities in Romania


  • Oana-Ancuța Stângaciu Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău
  • Eugenia Harja Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău



demographic profile, territorial disparities, very small, small, medium and large-sized cities


The present study analyzes the demographic profile of the population by categories of urban localities, categories established according to the number of inhabitants, respectively very small, small, medium and large-sized cities. The main conclusions from this study would be that approximately 40% of the Romanian population lives in medium and large cities, the average age of the population in very small and small towns is lower than that in larger cities, the share of the population whose domicile coincides with residence is higher in smaller cities compared to larger ones, and the distribution of the main ethnicities highlights a slightly asymmetric territorial distribution within the Hungarian ethnic group (there are localities with very high percentages of this ethnic group) and a symmetrical distribution for the Romany ethnic group.


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How to Cite

Stângaciu, O.-A., & Harja, E. (2024). The Demographic Profile of The Population in Small, Medium and Large-Sized Cities in Romania. Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, 39.