A Study on Post-Taukte (Cyclone) Impact on Economic Recovery of People of Jafrabad City


  • Kalpesh P. Gandhi Government Arts and Commerce College Jafrabad
  • Viralkumar M. Shilu Shilu




Taukte cyclone, damaged assets, loss of income, recovery period


Natural calamities have always been disastrous for the people who are affected by it. Taukte cyclone had hit Sourthern Saurashtra area of Gujarat state on 17th May 2021. Through this research paper, researchers have tried to find the loss of assets and loss of income of people of Jafrabad city, which is situated on costal area of Arabian Sea due to devastating effect of Taukte. This study focuses on recovery period of the damaged assets and normalization of income of affected people. A structured questionnaire used to collect the primary data from 433 respondents of this region. It was the challenging task for researchers to collect data from the respondents as they could not balm their wounds, however the main purpose of this study is to analyse recovery period with regard to assets and income of the people of this badly affected area. To know the association with demographic variables, Chi-square technique has been used by the researchers. It has been found that there is no significant association for recovery period for assets and gender and occupation of the respondents while for recovery period of income gender has association but occupation does not have association.  


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How to Cite

Gandhi, K. P. ., & Shilu, V. M. S. . (2024). A Study on Post-Taukte (Cyclone) Impact on Economic Recovery of People of Jafrabad City. Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, 39. https://doi.org/10.29358/sceco.v0i39.552